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Wednesday 16.08

Room Rybnik

Room Szczyrk

Room Ustroń

Room Mąchocice 1

Room Mąchocice 2

17:00 - 19:00 PyLadies
19:00 - 19:45 Dinner

Thursday 17.08

Room Rybnik

Room Szczyrk

Room Ustroń

Room Mąchocice 1

Room Mąchocice 2

07:00 - 09:00 Breakfast
09:15 PyLadies
14:00 Registration and optional lunch
16:00 Opening PyLadies
Daniel Pope
Fun and Games in Python
Pyweek, the Python games programming contest is now in its 13th year. Daniel will talk about the back history of the contest, and games programming libraries that have grown out of it, including his own library Pygame Zero, which aims to make it easier to teach games programming in the classroom.
Daniel is a Reliability Engineer at Two Sigma Investments in London. As a hobbyist games programmer, he has won the Pyweek competition twice. From this grew the Pygame Zero library, which started the "Zero" trend for zero-boilerplate libraries for beginner programmers and programming education. He likes open source, cooking, and sailing.
Rafał Nowicki
Python REST frameworks review
Number of libraries for building RESTful web applications is growing up. Selecting best framework becomes hard decision for web developers. During the presentation I will go through best libraries I can recommend for building RESTful web applications.
Working as full-stack software developer I have an opportunity to create high quality web-oriented software for one of the biggest marketing agencies. Python inspires me, by the simplicity and language philosophy.
Arkadiusz Adamski
Quasi-monolit, czyli czy musisz wdepnąć w mikroserwisy
Przy wdrażaniu nowej architektury, często zapominamy o konsekwencjach oraz o wadach. Chciałbym udowodnić, że dobrze napisany monolit może mieć więcej zalet niż może się wydawać.
Inżynier oprogramowania, na co dzień pracujący w Allegro programujący głównie w Pythonie.
Michał Żyliński
Lightweight approach to anonymization and artificial data generation challenges
Even though we all live in big data age, there are some border cases, where one needs to generate data artificially. In basic scenarios, good old random generator might be enough, but what if we'd need to deal with patterns or trends modelling? During this session I'll introduce evgen, Python framework for event generation and - as a bonus - cover data masking techniques using lightweight package called anonymize.
Technical expert in Microsoft’s Advanced Analytics Global Black Belts (GBB) team. Working on the daily basis with customers and partners across Central and Eastern Europe, helping them adopt big data and machine learning technologies.
18:30 Lightning talks
19:00 Dinner
Milena Piasecka
Build worlds in Minecraft with Python
You’ve fighted zombies, made dangerous quests deep into caves, and maybe even gone to The Nether —but have you ever transformed a sword into a magic wand? Designed your own color-changing disco dance floor? Built a palace in the blink of an eye? Learn Python through Minecraft and Minecraft through Python. Python has never been so fun.
Coding teacher for children and youngsters. Game designer and beginning developer. Works as a product owner in a python software house in Poznań.
Open Spaces
21:00 Board games

Friday 18.08

Room Rybnik

Room Szczyrk

Room Ustroń

Room Mąchocice 1

Room Mąchocice 2

Room Mąchocice 3

08:00 Breakfast
Jona Azizaj
How to build up a Python community and empower women
During our talk we will share the story of how we, a small but dedicated group of people, jump started the community in a small country like Albania and what other small cities and countries should avoid during their first steps in developing a Python community in similar conditions. Most important we will share tips and tricks on how to keep the Python spirit alive for a long time after the first enthusiastic steps, with the goal that our shared experience will help other communities to make the first steps or grow even further. Also nowadays we are witnessing that the number of girls involved in technical fields, especially development, is really low and we are going to present what as the influence on low participation of girls and the steps we should take to fix it.
Jona is a third-year student of Business Informatics at University of Tirana, Albania. She is a board member of Open Labs Hackerspace where she is involved in many open source projects that they promote, such as GNU/Linux, LibreOffice, Mozilla, Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap etc. She is also a co-organiser of Open Source Conference Albania (OSCAL) and Linux Weekend in Albania. She is also part of the Fedora Project and she is the first Fedora Ambassador in her country. She has organized different events at her university regarding Python and worked on different Python programming projects like event analytics to understand the impact of events on the community. Furthermore she is part of Rails Girls Summer of Code working on Nextcloud.

Paweł Kopka
Historia pewnego telewizora czyli prosty monitoring z użyciem aiohttp, psutil i bokeh
Najlepsze są “słomiane inwestycje” powiedział prezes Ochódzki w komedii wszech czasów Stanisława Barei. Tak było również i tym przypadku, początkowo żart o zakupie “niezbędnego do pracy telewizora” zamienił się w rzeczywistość. Dlatego powstał projekt Prosty Monitoring który spina trzy biblioteki. Psutil odpowiada za wyciąganie informacji o stanie systemu/urządzenia. Aiohttp to dość świeża biblioteka do mini serwisów http oparta na asynchroniczności dostarczonej w python3.x. A pakiet bokeh odpowiedzialny za wykresy posłużył jako warstwa prezentacji wyników. Na przykładzie tego projektu zaprezentuję podstawy użytkowania tych trzech bibliotek oraz pokażę jak wygląda już działający projekt. Przetestujemy nasz monitoring na “żywym organizmie” czyli Raspberry PI.
Absolwent Wydziału Fizyki UW specjalizacja Neuroinformatyka, przelotny romans ze studiami doktoranckimi w Instytucje Geofizyki PAN. Od dłuższego czasu związany z firmą Codilime. Od dawna fan filmów Barei od niedawna asynchroniczności.
Paweł Lewtak
2nd hardest thing in computer science
Let's see common examples of both good and bad naming. What's the common part of each of them? What's makes names good? Can we settle on good enough or should we aim for perfect names? I'll show some of best and bad practices so you'll be able to recognize both of them when you make code review for your peers.
Experienced developer specializing in backend parts of applications. Created them from scratch by starting with analysis and writing specification, through implementation, testing, up to deployment on production. Big fan and evangelist of continuous learning and good code quality, organizer of coding dojo sessions.
Jacek Śmietański
First steps with PySpark
Do you work with large amount of data? Are you curious how to analyze them effectively? If so, its time to start using Spark! This workshop will familiarize you with basic concepts of Spark and the PySpark library. You will learn about RDDs (basic data containers) and how to work with them using the map-reduce concept, how to transform the data and what the difference between transformations and actions is. You will practice solving concrete problems. Finally, you will learn how to visualize and evaluate your solution.
Bioinformatician, data scientist, Python developer
Sebastian Buczyński
AsyncIO w praktyce
asyncio jest już z nami od pewnego czasu. Jeżeli nie miałaś/eś jeszcze okazji zapoznać się z asynchronicznym Pythonem, to na tym warsztacie poznasz jego podstawy oraz zbudujesz w pełni funkcjonalną aplikację chatową. Nacisk będzie kładziony przede wszystkim na naukę dostarczonych z biblioteką narzędzi, przy okazji poznając zasadę działania asyncio. Oczywiście wszystko pod rygorystyczną kontrolą testów
Pythonista z kilkuletnim stażem, który uwielbia dobry kod i jeszcze lepsze testy. Pierwsze doświadczenia zebrane dzięki pracy nad skomplikowanym systemem teleinformatycznym, podczas której sukcesywnie awansował od praktykanta aż do lidera technicznego. Po o drodze zahaczone kilka pomniejszych startupów tak tajnych, że strach o nich mówić :)

Bloguje pod adresem Obecnie współpracuje jako Senior Python Developer z łódzkim oddziałem STX Next i dumnie reprezentuje ich na różnych konferencjach, w tym EuroPythonie. Od niedawna współorganizuje meetup Python-Łódź.
Leszek Jakubowski
DNS, TLS and other things between you and your webapp
Find out what's happening after you tell your browser to go somewhere and before the HTTP server registers anything. What can break there, how to detect it and fix it?
Krzysztof Czarnota
Inteligentny dom - protokoły komunikacji z urządzeniami peryferyjnymi
System zarządzający inteligentnym budynkiem w celu realizacji swojego zadania musi nawiązać komunikację z czujnikami oraz urządzeniami zainstalowanymi w domu. Brak jednolitego standardu oraz adaptacja rozwiązań stosowanych w przemyśle nie ułatwia zadania. Zastanawiasz się czy można podłączyć się komputerem do pieca? Opowiem jak nawiązać komunikację z urządzeniami znajdującymi się w naszych domach i wykorzystać ją do usprawniania ich działania.
iOS developer w Usbmis Polska Sp. z o.o. zajmuję się także systemami wbudowanymi oraz robotyką.
Michał Barciś
Python w łaziku marsjańskim?
Łazik Marsjański ℵ₁ z Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego wielokrotnie zdobywał wysokie miejsca w prestiżowych, międzynorodowych konkursach robotycznych. W czasie prelekcji opowiem o projekcie oraz w jaki sposób Python pomógł nam osiągnąć sukces.
Członek projektu konstrukcji łazika Aleph 1 już od ponad dwóch lat, jeden z pierwszych programistów w zespole, aktualnie Python developer w STX Next.
Petr Viktorin, Lumír Balhar
How we started teaching Python
Join us for two stories of how we started teaching Python to PyLadies, what it means for us, what it can mean for you – and how we're making it easier for others to teach as well.
Marcin Bardź
Pyramid(alny) mikroframework
Gdy pierwszy raz spojrzałem na Pyramid Web Framework, to nie mogłem uwierzyć jak jest on przerośnięty, zagmatwany i przegadany - nie będąc nawet full-stackowym frameworkiem! Pomyślałem, że to chyba jakaś pomyłka. Dlatego znalazłem w słowniku definicję słowa piramidalny ("olbrzymi, kolosalny, zwykle o pomyłce, głupstwie") i stało się dla mnie jasne co musiało przyświecać twórcom tego monstrum. W trakcie użytkowania jednakże szybko zmieniłem zdanie na temat Pyramida i podczas prelekcji będę się starał uwolnić słuchaczy od wszelkich uprzedzeń do tego świetnego frameworka.
Na co dzień CTO w Amerykańsko-Polskiej firmie tworzącej aplikacje mobilne. Po godzinach żarliwy ewangelista Pythona od niemal piętnastu lat.
Michał Wysokiński
Python 3.6.1 EE
For many years Python had been considered a glue language for writing scripts and fast prototyping. Then it evolved in people's consciousness to language for web development. Nowadays it's widely used also for big applications even though it's not been designed for that. Apart from the language evolution it's because of the tools that make up a rich ecosystem allowing to run Python stable even at the biggest scale! Let's have a look at some of them, which might be invaluable in any project.
Forever torn between being a developer and a linux ops guy. I spent some time looking for antimatter at CERN's LHCb experiment, but decided that there's a lot of down to earth stuff that needs fixing. Currently I work as a Python developer at Akamai on making your web experience better!
Rae Knowler
Python, Locales and Writing Systems
Python 3 removes a lot of the confusion around Unicode handling in Python, but that by no means fixes everything. Different locales and writing systems have unique behaviours that can trip you up. Here’s some of the worst ones and how to handle them correctly.
Rae Knowler develops product data APIs and works on local Open Data projects. They are one of the organisers of Trans*Code Switzerland. In their spare time they read a lot of science fiction and hug cats.
Christopher Lozinski
ZODB Ecosystem
ZODB is an object-oriented database written in Python and optimized in C. It is widely used in the US, but not as well known in Poland. This talk introduces the database, presents important concepts, and reviews the tools available. ZODB reduces software development costs. Multiple developers have used it to build major applications single-handedly.
Christopher Lozinski has been using the ZODB since 1999. He is an MIT graduate who has been using dynamically bound languages all of his life. First it was Lisp, then Objective-C, and now Python. On the ZODB, he built,,,, and the now decommissioned He is a dual Polish-US citizen, and polyglot.
Daniele Esposti
Funnels and code generation
Compute funnels over billions of events with code generator and Apache Spark.
Data platform engineer at Badoo
14:00 Lunch + registration
15:30 Opening
Mateusz Kuzak
The role of communities of practice in demagification of computational skills
Michał Wysokiński
Why OOP has failed us and should die a miserable death
Everyone says that OOP is a silver bullet, when it comes to software development. It's well known, has proper tools and patterns. But does it really? Maybe it introduces more problems than it solves? Maybe we all blindly follow what some smart people said back in the day, but later changed their mind. During the talk I will discuss why OOP shouldn't be blindly followed and how to connect all of that to Python.
Forever torn between being a developer and a linux ops guy. I spent some time looking for antimatter at CERN's LHCb experiment, but decided that there's a lot of down to earth stuff that needs fixing. Currently I work as a Python developer at Akamai on making your web experience better!
Piotr Maliński
Python w projektach sprzętowych
Przegląd platform IoT, SBC i ogólnie obecności Pythona w elektronice dla programistów.
Twórca serwisu, programista wykorzystujący Pythona do tworzenia aplikacji webowych w Social WiFi. Ostatnio zaangażowany w solarne projekty sprzętowe.
Lumír Balhar
Why is Python 3 backward incompatible?
The support for Python 2 will stop in 2020 so you really should start to be interested in Python 3. But there are a lot of incompatible changes between Python 2 and 3 and many people are angry. I think that the first step to adapt to new stuff in Python 3 is to understand why these changes had to be made - and this is what I want to describe. Join me if you are interested in the background of Python development itself.
Python developer, firefighter, drummer, biker, teacher and somebody who is always there when you need him.
Mateusz Flieger, Jacek Rzeszutek
First steps with Pandas (Part I)
Did you know that pandas are vulnerable species? Are you interested in data processing and analysis? Do you just want to make your work-life easier? Is it a good idea to attend this workshop? Yes, of course!

Thanks to this workshop, you'll learn how to process data efficiently. We'll introduce you to the data structures provided by Pandas, I/O operations, basic analysis methods and visualization techniques. After completing this workshop, you should be able to write proper production code utilising Pandas.

We kindly ask workshop participants to download the workshop repository ( and install all libraries mentioned in the requirements.txt file. Please do this before the workshop begins, so that you can fully enjoy it.
Mateusz Flieger - the taller, more blonde one, looking a bit like Owen Wilson. Core data scientist @portentio. Big fan of remote work, bacalao and triathlon.

Jacek Rzeszutek - the shorter, more bald one, looking a bit like Jason Statham. Core engineer @portentio. Big fan of hardbop jazz, unfunny jokes and cyclodesking.

We're very eazy-going.
Piotr Dyba
With python: security()
Cyber-security is a critical part of all distributed applications. By understanding and implementing proper security measures, you guard your own resources against malicious attackers as well as provide a secure environment for all relevant parties.
I am managing a team of engineers at F-Secure’s Rapid Detection Service. Me and my Python team is developing a distributed network of honeypots, network sensor and tooling for RDS. In my spare time I am a leading mentor and a teacher at the PyLadies Poznan’s chapter. Pythonally in love with asyncio and personally with hiking. The last fun fact about me is that I used to be a photojournalist with a war photography experience in Afghanistan.
Tomasz Utracki-Janeta
Techniki optymalizacji wydajności aplikacji w Django, przyczyny problemów z wydajnością
Wykład ma na celu zapoznanie uczestników z problemami wydajnościowymi na które mogą się natknąć w trakcie programowania webaplikacji w Django oraz metod ich rozwiązywania.
W technologiami web pracuję od ubiegłego wieku. Z Django mam do czynienia od 2009 roku. Specjalizuje się w systemach e-commerce oraz rozwiązaniach biznesowych. Kładę duży nacisk na wydajność i interoperacyjność aplikacji. Lubię wiedzieć jak co działa i staram się nie komplikować sobie życia.
Adam Sowiński
Programowanie mikrokontrolerów nigdy wcześniej nie było takie proste.
Mikrokontrolery zwykle kojarzą się ze żmudnym programowaniem w C, lutownicą i toną dokumentacji do przyswojenia. Postaram się pokazać, że to nie musi tak wyglądać. Odkąd Python zagościł na takich platformach jak PyBoard WiPy czy ESP8266 i wreszcie na ESP32, programowanie mikrokontrolerów to bułka z masłem. Na wykładzie pokażę wam jak zacząć waszą przygodę z IoT. Pokażę także kilka amatorskich projektów jakie skonstruowaliśmy w Dreamlab w ramach gildii IoT. Będziecie zdziwieni, co potrafią takie maleństwa.
19:00 BBQ
21:00 Lightning talks
22:00 Start of the programming contest Board games Sprints

Saturday 19.08

Room Rybnik

Room Szczyrk

Room Ustroń

Room Mąchocice 1

Room Mąchocice 2

8:00 Breakfast
Marc Garcia
Finding love in the age of big data
Pythonista since 2006, Marc Garcia holds a master degree in Artificial Intelligence, and is currently working as a senior data scientist at Badoo, world's largest dating site.
Krzysztof Sopyła
From shallow to deep model with Tensorflow
Nowadays Deep learning become a buzzword which captures many engineers imagination. However most of them thinks that it is secret knowledge, reserved only for those who are good at math. Of Course that math helps, but libraries like Tensorflow greatly reduce this need.

In my presentation I try to convince you that you can easily learn neural networks and use it to build machine learning empowered software. The machine learning skills are also important for your future career.

During the presentation I will guide you from the beginning, we will build simple single layer feedforward network and iteratively add more advanced stuff to finally build 5 layer convolutional network.
Scientist, entrepreneur and amateur triathlete. My mission is to promote the use of machine learning methods in companies and institutions.

As part of my research work, I work with transferring machine learning algorithms to GPU (mainly SVM's). In addition to the soul of the scientist, I have an irresistible desire to create, which I realize as CEO of software company Ermlab sp. z o.o. ( where we help companies to implement machine learning in their software. I'm also one of the co-founder of Online Interactive Computing IDE for Python, R.

My adventure with data analysis I describe on the blog: and Facebook Page About Data (
Maciej Szulik
Effectively running python applications in Kubernetes/OpenShift
Google, Red Hat, Intel, Huawei, Mirantis, Deis and many, many others are investing a lot of time and effort into improving Kubernetes. I bet, you have encountered that name at least once in the past twelve months, either on Hacker News, Reddit, or somewhere else. Do you want to learn more about the best container orchestration in the universe, but were afraid of the setup complexity? Do you want to see how easy it is to run any application using containers? Do you want to experience the joy of scaling application with a single click? This, and a lot more will be discussed in details. In this tutorial, every attendee will be provided with an environment, and step by step instructions necessary to setup the environment, build and deploy a microservices based sample application. Alternatively, a sample application of any choosing can be used throughout the entire tutorial. All that will be performed on OpenShift, which is a Red Hat distribution of Kuberenets with some add-ons that will be described in details at the beginning of the tutorial. To wet your appetite even more, here are some of the topics we are going to cover: - automatic build and deployment - git integration - image registry integration - scaling application - containers security - batch tasks and much more. After the session, every person will be able to play around with the accompanying code repository that was used in the tutorial, which includes detailed instructions how to run it on your own from scratch.
Maciej is a passionate developer with over 10 years of experience in many languages. Currently, he is hacking on and CPython's IMAP library by night. Whereas in the light of day, he's working on OpenShift and Kubernetes for Red Hat. In his spare time he organizes PyCon PL, helps reviewing talks for PyCon, talks at various events and meet ups around Europe.
Janusz Piechota, Konrad Świat
Python w sieci mikrokontrolerów
ESP-32 to nowy mikrokontroler firmy Espressif, wyposażony w dwurdzeniowy procesor taktowany zegarem 240MHz, 520KB RAM oraz moduł Bluetooth i WiFi. Na warsztatach nauczymy się, jak uruchomić kod w Pythonie na tym mikrokontrolerze. Dowiemy się również jak komunikować się z zewnętrznymi czujnikami oraz siecią WiFi za pomocą funkcji MicroPython'a. Efektem naszej pracy będzie sieć współpracujących urządzeń ESP-32, pozwalająca mierzyć coś więcej niż bliskie otoczenie jednego czujnika.
Janusz Piechota: Starszy programista w DreamLab. W pracy rozwija platformę wideo, a po godzinach własne projekty oparte o mikrokontrolery.

Konrad Świat: Entuzjasta świata Open Source, w DreamLabie programuje w Pythonie oraz sprawuje opiekę nad pythonowym SDK. W wolnym czasie stara się znaleźć zastosowanie dla elektroniki, którą zamawia w trakcie napadów zakupowego szału.
Mateusz Flieger, Jacek Rzeszutek
First steps with Pandas (Part II)
Did you know that pandas are vulnerable species? Are you interested in data processing and analysis? Do you just want to make your work-life easier? Is it a good idea to attend this workshop? Yes, of course!

Thanks to this workshop, you'll learn how to process data efficiently. We'll introduce you to the data structures provided by Pandas, I/O operations, basic analysis methods and visualization techniques. After completing this workshop, you should be able to write proper production code utilising Pandas.

We kindly ask workshop participants to download the workshop repository ( and install all libraries mentioned in the requirements.txt file. Please do this before the workshop begins, so that you can fully enjoy it.
Mateusz Flieger - the taller, more blonde one, looking a bit like Owen Wilson. Core data scientist @portentio. Big fan of remote work, bacalao and triathlon.

Jacek Rzeszutek - the shorter, more bald one, looking a bit like Jason Statham. Core engineer @portentio. Big fan of hardbop jazz, unfunny jokes and cyclodesking.

We're very eazy-going.
Miro Hrončok
Parametrize all the tests!
I will briefly describe pytest, explain why is it better than unittest or nose. Will show examples on easy and later on more complex scenarios. I will explain and show parametric tests and will (together with the attendees) parameterize some test for a common problem such as fizzbuzz. Later we'll dive in into fixtures and how they are different than setup and teardown. Fixtures can be parametric as well, so we'll code some examples for that as well. We can also go into cross products of parameters and fixtures.
Miro Hrončok is a free software engineer at Red Hat and also a teacher at FIT ČVUT (Faculty of Information Technology in Prague).

Miro loves writing stuff in Python and also writes a lot of tests. He also loves to teach Python and testing to others.

Miro likes to think he helps to create Fedora, while sometimes he's actually breaking it.
Maciej Dziubiński
Cruiser or sport bike? Teach your computer to categorize motorcycle images using transfer learning in TensorFlow
We'll see how to use pretrained neural networks, and re-train them to discern between different types of motorcycles. This will be an example of a procedure referred to as "transfer learning", implying that knowledge extracted by a neural network from one set of categories can be transferred to identify new categories (however, in the same domain). To test this approach, we'll check how well our newly re-trained model handles sneaky examples proposed by the audience.
Maciej works at Nethone (part of DaftCode tech group) on applying machine learning to fraud detection problems. Maciej did his PhD in biophysics at the University of Warsaw. During his studies he focused on using machine learning to understand dynamical properties of biomolecules (proteins, in particular). Besides machine learning, he's interested in: motorcycles, bicycles, farming and cooking.
Alejandro Solano
Reusing trained models with TensorFlow
Yeah, we all look really cool building and training neural networks but... how can we use them once trained? In this talk we will make applications (e.g, using Flask) with trained networks, employ Transfer Learning when our dataset is not very large and, also, use Fine-Tuning. And everything with TensorFlow.
14:00 Lunch
Lasse Schuirmann
From Fun to Business - How Open Source Changed my Life
coala is an Open Source project with >>400 contributors and more than 50 Google Summer of Code applications this year. What’s behind it? How did it all start? What is the secret sauce to its growth and how do we make a living of what's most fun for us? This talk tells our story with the key takeaways and provides a top level story driven insight on those and more topics.
After freetime-founding the Open Source project, Lasse began to sell consulting to companies as a freelancer. He forges high quality software at his startup to improve developer tooling and conducts talks and workshops for his clients and at conferences all around the world.
Mateusz Kurek
Static typing in Python(!)?>
Ile razy zastanawiałeś się jakiego typu jest zmienna (np. przekazana do funkcji)? Czy argument może przyjmować wartość `None`? Jakiego typu wartość zwraca funkcja z zewnętrznej biblioteki? Czy wiesz, że od niedawna Python obsługuje (opcjonalne) statyczne typowanie, które minimalizuje powyższe "bolączki"? Podczas prezentacji przedstawię historię type hintów, jak definiować annotacje dla typów w Pythonie 2 i 3. Omówię działanie mypy, czyli walidatora typów oraz opowiem o naszych doświadczeniach z wykorzystaniem annotacji typów w projektach realizowanych w Allegro.
Senior Software Engineer w Allegro
Artur Basiak
Python in Openstack
During the presentation I would like to introduce audience to OpenStack Cloud along with a short review of main components. I also would like to present Python use in a cloud solution. Why Openstack Community have chosen Python and what solutions they have created? At the end I would like to talk about community itself, how to become a contributor and how to play with OpenStack using Devstack.
Artur is a software engineer at Fujitsu. His main area of interest is cloud management software. He is currently focused on monitoring as a service solutions for Openstack. Artur has over 5 years of experience as a developer, working every day with Linux systems, Python and Ansible.
Mridul Seth
Network Analysis using Python
Politics, Mathematics, Law, Biology, Computer Science, Finance all of these subjects have one thing in common. They can be modeled using networks. NetworkX is a Python language software package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. In this tutorial we'll go through the NetworkX API and the basics of graph theory and properties.
Student at BITS Pilani-Goa, India Selected as student for Google Summer of Code 2015 with NetworkX (PSF) Selected as student for Google Summer of Code 2016 with GraphSpace (NRNB) One of the org admin for NumFOCUS, Google Summer of Code 2017.
Szymon Pyżalski, Nikoloz Glonti
Micropython w domowej automatyce
Zbudujemy wspólnie prosty projekt z dziedziny automatyzacji - lampę sterowaną dźwiękiem. Dzięki temu nauczymy się, jak konstruować obwody elektroniczne samodzielnie dobierając ich komponenty oraz jak uczynić z micropythonowego chipu serce tych obwodów.
Nikoloz Glonti - uczeń Zespołu Szkół Komunikacji w Poznaniu. Zajmuje się przede wszystkim elektroniką analogową i radioelektroniką. Serwisowaniem i kalibracją radiotelefonów i krótkofalarstwem. Tworzy jednak także projekty cyfrowe. Był jednym z autorów amatorskiej wyprawy stratosferycznego balonu w 2016 roku.

Szymon Pyżalski - obecnie pracownik Sunscrapers. Od lat pokochawszy Pythona stara się szukać dla niego jak najwięcej zastosowań oraz przybliżyć temat tego języka jak najszerszemu gronu osób.
Israel Fermín Montilla
Django in the real world
There are hundreds of django based projects out there, in most of the cases, the default django setup is enough. Some others need to scale so they can serve thousands of requests per minute. Even though there is not a recipe for optimization, there are some strategies you can implement to scale your project to that level. In this talk we'll see some of the problems we've faced scaling django at dubizzle and how we tackle them.
Before moving to Dubai in 2014, he had his own startup back home in Caracas, Venezuela. Israel currently works at dubizzle as a Software Engineer, dubizzle is one of the largest classifieds websites in the middle east and part of the OLX group, operating at a massive scale. He also does mentorship for and spends part of his spare time hacking around with python and docker.
Jan Kaliszewski
Zakamarki Pythona. System typów, model danych, semantyka
Czy pojęcie zmiennej tak naprawdę ma w Pythonie sens? Co to właściwie znaczy, że obiekt ma jakąś wartość? Czy typ i klasa to to samo? Czy warunek `isinstance(a, b) and isinstance(b, a)` może być spełniony? Co ze sobą wspólnego mają Python i LISP? Podczas prezentacji odpowiem na te i szereg innych pytań.
Pythonem zajmuje się od kilkunastu lat; od około 8 lat -- zawodowo. Pracuje w Dziale Rozwoju Oprogramowania Naukowej i Akademickiej Sieci Komputerowej (NASK) jako Samodzielny Inżynier Oprogramowania.
Paweł Królikowski
Python @payments @scale
The talk will cover how Uber uses Python in general, and in particular how it’s used in Uber’s payments system. It will briefly touch upon all aspects of Python development - it will be relatively quickly paced, without too many details. A story, rather than a technical deep-dive.
17:00 Lightning talks
Carol Willing
Python and Jupyter: Your Gateway to Learning
Through the DjangoGirls workshops, two talented Pythonistas from Poland, Ola and Ola, have brought learning about Django and Python to women around the world. Python and Jupyter have a shared mission of providing people a global gateway to learning. During this keynote, we'll look at Python and Jupyter innovations from science, data science, the web, and electronics. I hope to inspire you to use Python and Jupyter together to innovate teaching and improve learning for people of all ages.
Carol Willing is a core developer for Project Jupyter and CPython, Research Software Engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, a Steering Council member for Project Jupyter, and a former Director of the Python Software Foundation.

She's also Geek-In-Residence at Fab Lab San Diego and co-organizes PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python. She’s an active contributor to open source software and hardware projects. Combining a love of nature, the arts, and math with a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke and an MS in Management from MIT, she’s enjoyed creating and teaching others for over 20 years.

She recently spoke at Grace Hopper Celebration 2015, PyCon Philippines 2016, Write/Speak/Code 2016, SciPy 2016, PyData Carolinas 2016, PyCon US 2017, and PyCon Taiwan 2017.
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Open Spaces Sprints
21:00 Board games

Sunday 20.08

Room Rybnik

Room Szczyrk

Room Ustroń

Room Mąchocice 1

Room Mąchocice 2

08:00 Breakfast
Thomas Waldmann
Building Trust
Many of us are meanwhile used to their daily dose of insecurity news: Sites, services, applications getting "hacked" all the time. Data breaches and malware affect billions of people. Mass-surveillance, profiling, tracking, selling other people's data is widespread.

What can we developers and administrators do to build more trust-worthy systems?
Pythonista and FOSS / Linux geek, founded local Linux and Python meetups.

I work in a small company together with my brother, doing all sorts of IT stuff for our customers (sometimes also Python development).

My Python projects are BorgBackup, (dyndns service), MoinMoin Wiki Engine and some others.

I like clean, secure, privacy respecting / enhancing, ethical, free and open source software.
Lidia Lipińska, Marcin Kolesiński, Igor Zubrycki
Rapid prototyping robotics with ROS and IPython
On this workshop you will learn how to connect to and program robots using Python. We will introduce you to Robot Operating System, which is a widely used framework for prototyping robots with a great number ready to use robotic packages for various robotic skills. You will learn how Ipython can be used to rapidly create applications that access robots in real-time and you will write your on program to control a real robot!
Lidia Lipińska - Lidia is a Ph.D. candidate at the Lodz University of Technology. She likes working with bioreactors, learning languages and meeting new people. She uses Python as well as R for data analysis and for fun.

Igor Zubrycki - Igor is a Ph.D. candidate in robotics at the Lodz University of Technology where he also teaches there about robotics and their use in the home, therapy, and education. In his biggest project -- the Roboterapia, he gives therapists of autism ability to program therapeutic devices by themselves. In his free time, he plays with deep learning and dances tango.

Marcin Kolesiński is Masters student at the Lodz University of Technology. He does lots of hardware and software projects, recently using deep learning and ROS. Has a collection of 3d printers and is in a process of making his own water jet cutter.
11:00 Programming contest - results
Radomir Dopieralski
Programming Games Like It's 1992
A short introduction into PyGame, and why you can't program World of Warcraft in it.
Sebastian Buczyński
Dlaczego nie potrzebujesz wzorców projektowych pisząc w Pythonie
Exactly 23 years have passed since release of one of the biggest IT classics - "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software". Contents of the book had considerable influence on dominant programming languages of those days. However, design patterns were not glorified by everyone. Voices of rational critic appeared, pointing out that design patterns are just ways to compensate for missing languages features by tons of clumsy code. If one implements design patterns in Python by the book, they will get code that looks awkward, at best. This talk is to present Python's features that either simplifies or eliminates need for implementing design patterns. Even if you don't know what design patterns are - don't worry. You still may see some new interesting Python's features and their usage.
Michał Barciś
Python w łaziku marsjańskim?
Łazik Marsjański ℵ₁ z Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego wielokrotnie zdobywał wysokie miejsca w prestiżowych, międzynorodowych konkursach robotycznych. W czasie prelekcji opowiem o projekcie oraz w jaki sposób Python pomógł nam osiągnąć sukces.
Członek projektu konstrukcji łazika Aleph 1 już od ponad dwóch lat, jeden z pierwszych programistów w zespole, aktualnie Python developer w STX Next.
Mateusz Paprocki
How to turn data into beautiful, interactive talk visualizations
Dominik Czarnota
Python in a hacker's toolbox vol 2
Inspired by Gynvael Coldwind's talk on PyCon PL 2015 about the topic, here comes vol 2. The talk will present some IPython tricks and interesting Python libraries used both in CTF and security field.
Reverse engineering and security enthusiast. Author for Programista magazine. Programmed in Python, C# and C++. Performed penetration tests and web security trainings for developer teams. In his free time contributes to Pwndbg project and takes part in CTF contests with Just Hit the Core team.
Daria Ratyńska, Filip Kłębczyk
Nauka języka Python dla dzieci i młodzieży - projekt Microbit:Polska
W ostatnim czasie język Python znącząco zyskuje popularność w edukacji a niedługo pojawi się również możliwość korzystania z niego na maturze z Informatyki. Do naucznia podstaw Pythona młodych ludzi świetnie nadaje się płytka Microbit. W ramach prezentacji omówimy nasze doświadczenia z działań edukacyjnych w ramach projektu Microbit:Polska i przekonamy Cię, że warto się do niego przyłączyć i zarazić Pythonem nowe pokolenie programistów
13:15 Lightning talks
13:45 Closing
14:00 Optional lunch


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