You can sign-up till the end of the registration deadline, but you should keep in mind that prices will be rising through all the time, so waiting for too long is not in your best interest. There is also a possibility that earlier we may run out of free hotel rooms at the event (which has happened in the previous years).

We’re in process of implementation a new virtual room feature that will let you choose with whom you will share a room during the conference. Unfortunately it will be available next year, so instead we will provide a short form that will help to chose person we would like to have room with.

Yes, please contact the organizers of such need. Also, there is additional fee for having animals in your room.

Bus transfers depart and arrive times are adjusted to the agenda and usually there are two of those on Thursday (around 2 and 4 hours before the beginning of the conference), one on Friday and two returning on Sunday.


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