Call for Proposals - 2nd call
Jul 03, 2012
Due to free slots in agenda it is possible to submit proposals till July 15th.
Invited speakers
Audrey M. Roy
Audrey Roy is co-lead developer of the OpenComparison package comparison framework and co-organizer of PyLadies. She is also a principal at Cartwheel Web in Los Angeles. In her free time, she draws graphic artwork and creates sound effects with Python.
Jannis Leidel
Jannis is a Django core developer, the chairman of the German Django association and the lead engineer at Gidsy in Berlin. He created a few of reusable Django apps and maintains Python packages such as pip and virtualenv.
Laurens Van Houtven (lvh)
Laurens Van Houtven (lvh) is a Twisted hacker and core comitter, PSF member in charge of the Python IRC channels on Freenode, entrepeneur and co-founder/chief hacker at his current startup. Loves to teach.
Kai Diefenbach
Kai Diefenbach is a freelancer living in Erfurt, Germany. He is the founder of LFS, an online shop based on Django. He uses also Zope, Plone and Pyramid to create web applications.
Stefan Kögl
Stefan Kögl is a computer science student at the Vienna University of Technology. He is running the podcasting webservice which is based on Django and CouchDB, and likes exploring the features of non-relational databases.